SHIELD-A-SPARK Explosion Proof Pumps

Gorman Rupp Explosion Proof Pumps

Gorman-Rupp Shield-A-Spark™ pumps are gasoline or diesel engine driven pumps that are designed to transfer and deliver flammable liquids. Available in 2" and 3" discharge sizes. These pumps will deliver up to 380 GPM and heads up to 150 feet.

Shield-A-Spark™ self-priming centrifugal pumps are the safest approach to pumping flammable liquids with an engine driven pump. Pump volute and intermediate are constructed of lightweight aluminum. Steel wearplates are replaceable. Mechanical shaft seals have carbon and Ni-resist wearing surfaces. Elastomers are Viton®. Gasoline engine unit features dependable, rugged military or aircraft type spark plug which is radio suppressed and prevents spark gap jumping. Shielded ignition wire provides enclosed path for high tension spark. Sealed toggle ignition switch is safe, spark free. Spark-arresting muffler is designed to retard both spark and flame.