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M60 Meter Parts

Typical Class Application
Meter Class Application
Class 1 Refined petroleum products, leaded and unleaded gasoline, fuel oils, diesel fuel, kerosene, ethylene glycol (antifreeze) at rated capacity
Class 2 Aviation gasoline, jet fuels when metering is installed downstream of the filter/seperator
Class 3 Liquid sugars, corn syrup, corn sweeteners, dextrose, fructose, sucrose maltrose, lactose, corn oil, soy bean oil, cotton seed oil, coconut oil, shortenings, etc.
Class 4 Treated waters (deionized, demineralized and potable) Solvents where no red metals are found.
Class 14

Crude oils (LACT and NOD), heated liquids, viscous liquids, animal fats, resins, #6 oil, non-abrasive asphalt emulsion. Viton seals standard.

Class 15 Oil and water based latex products, polyester resins and adhesives (neutral pH), herbicides and nitrogene solutions (requires Viton and PTFE/FEP seals).
Class 16 Methanol, toulene, xylene, naphtha, acetone, MEK, MIBK, alcohol (including ethanol). Use Class 7 for chlorinated solvents.