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Style 30 - 1 Plane of Rotation

OPW Swivel Joints - Style 30 - 1 Plane of Rotation

Style 30 swivel joints are available in a variety of sizes ranging from 3/4 inch to 12 inches. We've made it easy to find the right swivel joint by allowing you to easily select the connection type, construction and seal material based on your specific needs.

OPW manufactures swivel joints for a broad range of uses in the chemical, petroleum, petrochemical, refining, mining, distilling, brewing, ink and paint industries, as well as farm irrigation and fertilizing. Versatility is the key to OPW swivel joints. They make it possible for you to use rigid metal piping for loading and unloading fluids and dry product under pressure or vacuum without the difficulty or danger of handling heavy, cumbersome hoses.